It has been a long week! Shaun has worked a ton this week and we only saw him on Tuesday night! Sometimes, the long shifts for the fire department and working for his dad on his days off can be hard on us. I am grateful he is able to earn extra money and has a career that allows him to work a second job, but we miss him :) I have been trying to keep the kids busy with projects and field trips to the park. I don't know about you, but I LOVE Pinterest. I have pinned so many great activities for the kids, and decided to try a few of them this week. Sam loves his science experiments and so does Lilly. I think I am going to try and have Shaun build a sensory table for the kids. It is just a table that has a hole cut out of the middle for a long tote to go in. There are so many activities and sensory type things to do! We experimented with baking soda and vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and yeast, we also made calming glitter jars. They had so much fun! I am going to try and start making or doing things I pin on pinterest at least once a week. I mean, what's the point of pinning that stuff if you never actually do any of it?!
Having fun seeing what happens when you drop vinegar onto baking soda! |
Great sensory play once the baking soda became totally wet! Hydrogen peroxide and yeast! We really need a higher strength peroxide so we will redo. |
On a side note, poor Sam woke up screaming this morning. I thought he might have a headache and gave him Tylenol. Nada!! It didn't help at all. When I moved him downstairs (which involved lots of shrill screaming and sobbing in my ear) I noticed that he was holding his ear. Oh boy, ear infections are not fun! I have only had one as an adult, and it was some of the worst pain I have ever felt! My poor baby. I took him to prompt care and the doctor only saw some slight redness-WHAT?!? I couldn't understand that, considering the amount of pain he was in. The doctor then said that a middle ear infection could be starting up and that may be why he is in so much pain. Thankfully they gave us an antibiotic and we were in our way. You could tell he was sick since he laid on the couch all day long (that's in case the ear splitting screaming and crying didn't clue you in). I did think how lucky I am that I don't have to choose between taking care of my sick child or going to some big meeting at work! Just another reason I am so thankful that it's now my full time job to take care of my children (even when they are grumpy and causing me to go deaf from all the high pitched screaming!).
My biker gang! It took some maneuvering to push Ben and Lilly and the same time! Ben had fun exploring the yard for some outdoor learning! |
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